6th 2006f April, 2006

Grynx in the slow lane…

by @ 13:03. Filed under News
Grynx community
…but no way we’re gone in any sense.

Status I managed to get myself a new job far far away from home and with working long hours and spending a lot of time on the road I really haven’t had that much time for my baby (Grynx that is) in the last month. It’s really unwillingly, I promise! There’s nothing better then to have crazy idea, realize it, publish it and reading your comments about it.
So okay, I haven’t been posting that much lately but that doesn’t mean I’ve giving in. No way José!

Forum Some of you have notice that little G in the right hand side navigation. Most haven’t. That’s the link to our community, or forum if you’d rather call it that, where it’s a bit easier to discuss things then in the comments area on these pages.
I’ve added an area there called Hatching ideas which is really a good area for brainstorming, something that I’ve actually missed myself.
There are more areas there but I take it that this one is the most interesting one in the long run.


Ongoing projects I have two project in the pipeline right now and we’ll have to see when I can complete these. One is a non-electric cool iPAQ accessories and the other is a interesting LED dingy (as everyone else are building LED things now) which based on some LED’s I bought
from China recently.

HELP I don’t want Grynx to stagnate! We have between 80-120.000 unique visitors and we’re serving aroung 300-500.000 pages every month. Never though that when we started a year ago.
But with my limited time right now I need your help more then ever. You can send me link tips if they’re good and related to what we do here, or whole projects. What to be part of The contact information is in the right hand top of all pages.

I’d also like to say thanks to all the people keeping the discussions alive on Especially the ones on the VoIP related pages as the Siemens Skype, Build your own chat cord, and Simple Skype VoIP analogue adapter.


_______________________________ – Why? Because you can!

7th 2006f March, 2006

How to catch a mouse in a humane way

by @ 23:41. Filed under News
Mouse trap

I had a little friend visit my apartment the other week, and for a while there I was ready to make peace with him and co-exist. But after I cleaned up the place and ordered pizza one night, and it crawled up the side of my chair onto the sleeve of my shirt, I knew it was time to bid farewell.

Link: How to catch a mouse

27th 2006f February, 2006

Nice activity meter for your hard drive

by @ 2:27. Filed under News
Hard drive vu meter

micsaund writes:

On all computer cases I’ve seen, the HD LED is just a single, boring light. Yeah, maybe it comes in blue or purple on your fancier cases, but it’s still just a boring light. I wanted something a bit more flashy and dynamic. For years, I’ve had a Radio Shack 10 segment LED bargraph floating around in my parts box, since I’m a nerd, I naturally love blinking LEDs (das blinkenlights), so the LED bargraph HD light idea was born!

Link: Hard drive LED bar display

25th 2006f February, 2006

Combat winter depression with LED’s

by @ 4:26. Filed under News
Lumileds in action
Winter depression occurs when the body is not exposed to enought light in a day. This is a known phenomena especially in regions on the top of the globe. To combat this there are special light boxes that you can buy and put next to your monitor that will expose you to extra light during half an hour a day, but now new research shows that blue light works better and that it’s more efficient in the early hours of the day.
So as high power LED’s are a hot item right now let’s look at a DIY with these beutiful 3w Lumiled’s.

Build your own blue LED light box to combat SAD and winter blues. Sleep better and wake up with more energy while exploring the world of high-power LEDs. If 18 watts of LED power isn’t enough to wake you, just add more LEDs!

Link: Build your own blue LED light box

24th 2006f February, 2006

Making your own PCB’s easy

by @ 7:53. Filed under News
Etching laser
To make your own Printed Cuircuit Boards is something most people never do because it’s just way to many steps that need to be done before you have it ready. That thing with UV lights, rubbing symbols and special papers just puts me off. But here’s an easier way to do it.
I’ve read about something similar to this before but this guy has really brought it down to an ‘easy’ level.

To wrap it up: With your laser printer print your layout on semi glossy paper. Quickly cut out the etch and place it on the PCB. Iron on the paper for 5 minutes pressing hard. Soak the PCB with the paper in soapy water for 5 minutes. Remove paper and then etch as normal.

Link: How to make PCBs with a laser printer

23rd 2006f February, 2006

Bluetooth speakers

by @ 15:47. Filed under News
Bluetooth speakers
Wireless is cool, hot and it’s very practical! That’s why I built the bluetooth audio reciever for my car some time back.
Another solution is to take a wireless headphone with a separate sender (like a traditional wireless headphone has) and build a (or a pair) wireless speaker which they’ll show you how to do over at Engadget.

Link: How-To: Build Wireless Speakers from RF Headphones

Another one that is kind of related to my project mentioned in the beginning would be to Turn an iPod into a wireless bluetooth remote…

22nd 2006f February, 2006

DIY Keylogger

by @ 8:51. Filed under News
Did you ever wonder what Mr. X is doing all that time behind his computer in the office? Thought of installing a keylogger but didn’t dare to as it might get detected as spyware? Then you should get a keylogger which plugs in between the keyboard and the computer. As it’s a piece of hardware that only listnens to the traffic from the keyboard it’s undetectable.

Try a hardware keylogger instead of a software keyboard logger! This hardware keyboard recorder is system independent, undetectable for software, and installs in seconds (even with the PC off).

We present the prototype version of the KeeLogger with full documentation, electrical schematics, and program. Operation of this device is similar to the KeeLogger Pro version, although download is initiated by a special button. Also the DIY keylogger version logs all data on the PS/2 keyboard line, so memory isn’t used as efficiently as in the commercial version.

Ok, a device like that would be nice to buy for a mere $32 – but why not build one yourself?
It’s easier then you think as they will show you over at

21st 2006f February, 2006

One of many solutions to messy cables

by @ 3:35. Filed under News
Organizing cables
You walk over the floor and something grabs you leg. You fall. That’s not that bad… But you also take your laptop with you down. That is bad!

Excess cables is a problem that keeps on coming back to haunt you and we all have our solutions to solve it. I usually make a knot on the excess lenght of a cable or I’ll take a piece of velcro.

Intruducing another solution: The Cable Bone.
It’s simply a piece of plastic cut into the shape of a bone and both you, your wife and your dog will appreciate it.

There are very few things in life that get right under my skin, triping over cables is one of them. I think I may have seen a product like this somewhere – not sure, inspriation being the mother of invention and these are fairly easy to make.

The full instructions on how to build your own is over at instructables

20th 2006f February, 2006

Wire your home – really!

by @ 15:07. Filed under News
I had this idea some time ago to get a hole bunch of one-wire sensors and wire my house to measure everything that could be measured, but that’s a lot of wires so I never did it.
Over at they made a reality of this and this is just something you gotta see if statistics over everything! turns you on.

Some of the things logged and measured are the telephone calls (including recordings), motion sensors, energy consumption (gas and electricity), water consumption, lights on off. There are also a bunch of live webcams of the surroundings.


15th 2006f February, 2006

Magnetic art for $1.45

by @ 8:14. Filed under News
LED Throwie
Take one battery and connect a LED directly to it, add one magnet and wrap it together with some tape and you have a LED Throwie. Accoding to Graffiti Research Lab, that developed this, one of these units will keep on glowing for about a week and with a hole bunch of them you can run downtown and do some electronic graffiti.
And yes – they did it and here is a video of it.

What you see on the picture is a whole bunch of these throwies stuck together. After all – they’re magnetic.

Read about them over at Instructables

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