6th 2005f September, 2005

This isn’t a picture from a game – Nor is it just a girl in the water

by @ 16:11. Filed under News

The narrow view experienced by snorkellers and divers alike can be rather claustrophobic – which is why Jon Kranhouse began a mission over a decade ago to create Hydrooptix’ first underwater mask that allows you to have a distortion free view that’s almost 5 times wider than conventional flat masks! The Hydrooptix’ lenses restore natural panoramic vision to the user underwater. With the mask’s overwhelming success propped by rave reviews all over, the company has 2 new designs planned for release before the year is over. [Via The Gadgets Blog]

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One Response to “This isn’t a picture from a game – Nor is it just a girl in the water”

  1. Alex Says:

    Ahh but you have to wear contacts, or have poor vision to use it. You see curved surfaces underwater act like a lens. Maybe there was a reason why this was never done before. Also, to all of you who dont know scuba or snorkel: you also have to deal with clearing that mask. And with twice the volume of water in there, it is probably much harder to clear. And also the increased drag. Sorry, cool idea, but NAH.

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